Wednesday 17 January 2018


First London Shoot
For the start of our filming, we decided to go to London to Luca's Dad's offices to film the opening office scene to our production. This opening mainly involved me being at the head of the office receiving information about Artificial Intelligence and setting the scene as such for the audience.
 On this day i was setting up all the camera angles for the different shots that we had to shoot as well as acting in the scene as well.

 As our shoot location is over an hour away we had to make sure that the shot types and angles were set up perfectly as we wanted them so that we didn't make any mistakes. It was my idea to then film the conversation between Luke and  Toni ( Luca and Tom) from the balcony and then I decided to use our phones to record our audio of our phones so we can then send the voice memo to Luca so he can put it over the top of the visual when editing.Prior to departing to London to film the opening scene I had to make sure that I printed off all the sheets of paper that we needed for the day. this included: Newspaper article on Artificial Intelligence, Name template for Martin Bethan's desk, the shotlist to know what shots we have to do and what dialogue to include.

We filmed two scenes where me and Luca speak about the start of AI and the shot of Luca and Tom on the balcony talking about changing Rick' technology. 

Audience feedback was pleasing and enthusiastic about the framing and camera angle of this scene. The two young men have turned their backs on the office and are looking out into London in order to talk in private, about their exciting plans about Rick. Audiences seem to understand that this was a conspiratorial moment as well as being a serious moment of tension. Audiences felt that the shot is beautifully framed and tokk advantage of the architectural display of the balcony. I was very pleased with this as I directed and framed this scene.

Second London Shoot
After a successful first London shoot we decided to go back as we felt we needed to film a few more extra scenes which included: Me walking and picking up the phone and watching our advert that we had previously created, as well as this we got a few drone shots of me sitting on a bench which we will be using at the start of our film opening.  The final scene that we did on the day was later on when it was a bit darker. We wanted to wait until it was darker to set the scene of Luke and Toni (Luca and Tom) capturing Rick out of the office to Luca's house. 

1 comment:

  1. This was a major shoot and it went very well indeed. You made a major contribution carrying out the role of the head of office, for which you came up with the ideas of how to position yourself in the frame as well as making decisions about other camera angles and shot types.
    Excellent idea to do the balcony shoot: it is really lovely work that captures the two young entrepreneurs planning.
    You also took responsibility for the props such as the news article, door nameplate, dialogue script and shotlist. Both creative AND efficuent.
