Thursday 18 January 2018


On the 10th of January 2018 we filmed the dining room scene, this is one of the final scenes of our opening, however it is the second that we filmed. This scene involved 2 of the Robotica workers Luke and Toni (Luca and Tom) and Rick (Richie) the robot. In this Luke and Toni are talking about enhancing Rick's technology whilst Tom brings up the point of Rick's Unstable processor, which inevitably is the problem why Rick turns rogue as such. We decided to do this in the drawing room of the mansion as it created the grand setting that we were looking for. We decided to get our own plates and cutlery as well as bits of sauce to spread on our plates to act as left over food on our plate.

 As the camera man I first bubbled the tripod to make sure it was steady and ready to put the camera on. Before i moved on to the next step i had to take into consideration what the set would be like, this included: props for on the table, the way the table is positioned, what will be included in the background and what the lighting will be like. I then had to set up the camera at the right angle so that it included the piano in the back as well as getting all three people in. I also had to consider the light coming from the window, so i decided to close the curtains so it dimmed the light down which created a colder environment which suited the story of the scene as in the end Rick tries to stab Toni.

 After the first shot in the dining room i had to change angles by setting up angle for an extreme close up of Rick which will act a reaction shot for when Rick realises what they have tried to do to him. Feedback from my audiences was extremely positive to this use of ECU as the robot with his unerving stare looks straight at us in a threatening way.

 My idea for the dining room scene was that we ended our opening when Rick attempts to stab Toni I presented this idea to our group as I wanted to created suspense and a bit of tension going into the actual film.

1 comment:

  1. I was present throughout this shoot and was impressed by the intensity of the discussion and the level of detail that went into your decision making. Good choice of venue, props, cast, costumes. You were responsible for being cameraman and then for contributing to editing decisions. Well done.
