Sunday 7 January 2018


In class today we worked on creating voiceovers using a programme called Quicktime. The main reasoning for doing this is if we wanted to use this in our actual film opening.

The Process

1. Open Quicktime
2. Go to file in the top left hand corner and click on New Screen Recording 
3. Then click the drop down arrow and select Internal Microphone
4. Then you have to get the recording or any visual that you are planning on screen recording up on the screen
5. Click the red button to start recording
6. Click the screen and record your video
7. To stop recording, click the stop button in the top left hand corner  

My Process
 Firstly I opened up QuickTime where I selected a new file and a new screen recording. I then selected my visual which was the Robotica advert about Rick. I clicked record and talked over the advert explaining the types of shots involved in the filming. After i finished filming I ended the recording and saved the file. 

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