Premlinary Exercises

Close Up shot

Close up and extreme close up shots are used to show emotion or expression on a persons face in response to an action or situation. For example in the close up shot I show the expression of a person by capturing their face, specifically their eyes. In the extreme close up shot I zoom in on one eye to show the expression on that eye. Both of these shots can easily be used in our films to show the emotion and/ or expression of the face of Rick the robot when he has been taken by the two workers. 

Tilt Pan 

A tilt pan, from low to high is often use to create suspense and build up tension during a scene. It can be used in many ways such as presenting a person, object or background. In this example I have demonstrated the shot using a person. The shot creates suspense as you only see the persons face at the end. Whilst the camera pans up the audience will probably be wondering what the character involved looks like and also what he is doing. This example could represent one of our workers on the phone to the other, working out how they are going to sneak Rick out of the lab. As well as this we can use a tilt pan in our film to reveal the identity of Rick to the audience. 

Tracking Shot 

A tracking shot is used to specifically focus on one character, tracking them when they are walking, cycling, driving or any type of movement through the scene. It is a good shot to use to indicate to the audience where the character started and finished at the end of the scene. For example, in our production we can use a tracking  shot to track the workers wheeling Rick out of the lab as they move from the doorway to the car park.

Over the Shoulder Shot 

An over the shoulder shot or high angle shot is used to create a different angle of the person or object involved and can be used to see what the person is looking at on their phone or laptop in a scene. This is what i have done in this example as I filmed over the shoulder of the person to view what he is doing on his phone. This shot can also be used in our production for when Martin Bethan looks at the Robotica advert. 

Premlinary Short Edit 

In this short edit I have put together a series of clips using hard cuts to reveal the identity of the character. This is very similar to a tilt pan, however, due to the series of hard cuts it increases the tension.

Continuity Edit  

As a group we had to create a opening where 3 characters were involved. One delivering a pizza, and two people receiving the pizza. As a group we decided to put a spin on this and turn it into more of an action opening involving guns with a cliffhanger at the end.

For our group i did the camerawork meaning I panned the camera on the tripod when doing to the arch pan/ 180 degree shot and the tracking shot. I also had to set up the tripod and camera for the shot-reverse-shot and the over the shoulder shot whilst making sure that the subject of the shot was in focus. During the process I learnt how to use the Manfrotto tripod and Canon 650D camera.

During the process of doing the camera work I came across some difficulties which I had to adapt to and overcome. For example our chosen location of filming was quite compact and tight so I had to adjust the height of the tripod to the certain position for example the arch pan and then the shoulder shot as I was crouched down in the corner. After each shot I made at least one other person check that they were happy with the shot and I myself checked after every shot that everything we needed was in focus.

As a group I think that next time we could improve on our practical work by establishing our story line properly before shooting anything as I think that we kept changing are location and story line at the start whilst shooting which was a pain as we had to then delete the clips and cut bits out whilst editing as well as actually editing our main shots. 

Overall, as a group we worked well and ended up with a finished opening which we were all proud of. Personally, I was happy with my camera work and achieved all the shots which we were supposed to


A pizza delivery takes place. Person A delivers the pizza to person B.
Shot types and camera movements I included:
  • Tracking shot of person A on the way.
  • Pan as person A enters room.
  • Over the shoulder shot to show person B greeting / talking
  • Over the shoulder shot to show person A's response
  • Shot-reverse-shot to show person B
In this I have shown that I can:
  • Use a tripod to keep the shots steady (Bubbled the tripod)
  • Focus the camera
  • Take care of the camera and tripod 
  • Observe the arch pan or 180 degree rule
  • Edit the sequence to make the meaning clear

1 comment:

  1. Excellent. You have carried out an appropriate number of different exercises that prepare you for your Foundation Production. You explain the process clearly.
