Tuesday 27 February 2018



 Welcome to my blog, I hope you enojy!


Our brief was to make the titles and openings of a fictional thriller film.  The title of our film is Robotica

Our film is immediately below, followed by my preliminary exercise.

All my RESEARCH and PLANNING follow below on the main blog roll, in reverse order, starting with the latest first. To present my research and planning, I have used a wide variety of platforms and tools. These include; Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Photoshop,Piktochart,Movie Maker, Slideshare and IMovie.

My  CREATIVE CRITICAL REFLECTION is above under Pages. Clicking on the tab CREATIVE CRITICAL REFLECTION will show the research and planning that went into our responses to these questions. To present my responses, I have used the following platforms: Question 1 Blogger and Movie Maker to add annotations ; Question 2 ; Blogger and Slideshare Question 3 Emaze ; Question 4 Emaze

Our Film Opening: ROBOTICA 

What I did during the production

For the production I directed a few scenes including the laboratory scene and the final dining room scene. Both these scenes were very important within the film opening as the first one explains what modifications are being made to robot Rick. As well as this the second scene shows the ending to the film where Rick tries to stab Toni. This second scene was very hard to direct as I had to think about the positioning for every character in order to include them in one shot. To do this I set up a table with Toni sitting on the left whilst Luke and Rick were next to them. As well as this I had to add props to the set such certain foods, plates and cutlery. 

I was cameraman for the scene which is included of the advert where Rick is spinning around. This scene was important as it was the main reveal of Rick as an AI robot. When filming this I had to firstly bubble the tripod and make sure that it was in the correct position for the main reveal. As well as this reveal I also had to film tilt pan shots to reveal features of Rick before his face then 

I was also cameraman for the balcony scene which involved Luke and Toni talking about taking Rick and modifying him. Being cameraman for this scene was important as I had to make sure that the composition of the shot was good and that I was zoomed in to fit both of their faces on the balcony. In order to make it an aesthetically pleasing shot I had to stand on a separate platform to the left of the balcony to capture the angle of it well.

I was also cameraman for the scene where Luke and Toni take Rick from the office. For this scene I included a tracking shot of all three characters involved moving out of the office. I used the Manfrotto tripod to balance the camera whilst I then moved the camera to track the characters.

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