Friday 26 January 2018


Today in class we filmed one of the last scenes that we had to do which was the scene of the directors of the company talking about the development of Rick and how far they have got with enhancing his technology. First, I knew that it was important to create a mis-en-scene that made it look as if our school terrace area was really a cafe in London, frequented by young entrepreneurs. Therefore, I ensured that behind my protagonist there appeared to be other customers discussing business deals in the background (see image below).
Secondly, I wanted this scene to advance the narrative. Therefore, I knew that a mid shot of the company directors talking very intently would have to convey urgency and tension. I had to manage potential interference in the adjacent kitchen building because I wanted the dialogue to be very crisp. This piece of dialogue is critical as it references an 'unstable processor' and the fact that one of the directors chooses to ignore potential danger. This will mark the point of disequilibrium in the narrative in the film.

I directed this scene, as well as being cameraman and decided to do a shot -reverse-shot camera angle to capture both angles of the two of them talking. In order to do this i had to position Luca and Tom in the right positions as well as making sure the extras that we had in the background of this scene. As well as directing the scene I was cameraman and had to make sure the the focus was fully on Luca and Tom whilst the background, including the extras were blurred. In this picture below, I was bubbling the tripod and fitting the camera onto the tripod, before i then positioned it in the right position for the first shot.

As a group we decided to choose this setting as it is presented like the outside of a coffee shop. Luca and Tom both had coffee cups with them to add to the setting. For Luca' shots we had to position him differently as when we did the first take, the background didn't fit in with the setting.


  1. You took responsibility as cameraman for this shoot and carefully considered how to frame the scene to make it appear to be a convincingly realistic coffee shop. The shot is well focused. You also directed the actors. Good work.

  2. Excellent. I see that you have returned to this account to offer more reflection on your creative decisions.
