Saturday 13 January 2018


Today in class we were learning about Idents and how we re going to use them in our production. the process at first was complicated however once we started, we got the hang of it.
The Process:
Firstly we had to sort out a green screen effect to put as the main focus for our ident. Myself and Luca chose a shark. This being the link between the sharks features being the teeth and our production company name Teethmark Productions.We then decided to get a second green screen of waves to present the setting of the ocean.

The second main step was to create our production logo. We decided to do this on powerpoint and got a specfic font and added different things to the logo such as a shark fin on the A and teeth marks coming out of the K. Little details like this are good as they attract the viewer looking at the production company. We decided to go for the colour black as the colour for our production company name as we wanted to separate our actual film from our production company, like many other big named production companies do.

The third step was to add any other additional details that we needed to. Luca added a glitch effect on the shark which gives the ident something different to other, more simple, ones that we looked at.

Finally we added sound effects such as the splashing of waves as the water enters the picture.

1 comment:

  1. I think that this is most entertaining and memorable as a production company ident. You and Luca worked together to devise and execute this most smoothly.
