Monday 29 January 2018


Today in class we were filming the two green screen scenes which involved me for one shoot and another actor for another shoot, both for the news report section of our film opening.

I started off by setting up the green screen which includes two poles with clips, which held the green screen in place. I then had to answer a question about Robot Rick and I answer in saying that an advert is being released in the next few days. Positioning in this was important so that when editing Luca could include the microphones underneath me to act as though it is a press conference and could also include a news background.

The second green screen scene was of Charlie who is outside our media group. We used him a news reporter, reporting  on the company Robotica. We were informed from our audience feedback about how nice and crisp the green screen was and that the microphones on my green screen looked professional and real. On Charlies it was commented that his positioning was really good as you could still see the 'Breaking News' effect on the screen as well as the Robotica workers and Rick on a screen in the background.

Friday 26 January 2018


Today in class we filmed one of the last scenes that we had to do which was the scene of the directors of the company talking about the development of Rick and how far they have got with enhancing his technology. First, I knew that it was important to create a mis-en-scene that made it look as if our school terrace area was really a cafe in London, frequented by young entrepreneurs. Therefore, I ensured that behind my protagonist there appeared to be other customers discussing business deals in the background (see image below).
Secondly, I wanted this scene to advance the narrative. Therefore, I knew that a mid shot of the company directors talking very intently would have to convey urgency and tension. I had to manage potential interference in the adjacent kitchen building because I wanted the dialogue to be very crisp. This piece of dialogue is critical as it references an 'unstable processor' and the fact that one of the directors chooses to ignore potential danger. This will mark the point of disequilibrium in the narrative in the film.

I directed this scene, as well as being cameraman and decided to do a shot -reverse-shot camera angle to capture both angles of the two of them talking. In order to do this i had to position Luca and Tom in the right positions as well as making sure the extras that we had in the background of this scene. As well as directing the scene I was cameraman and had to make sure the the focus was fully on Luca and Tom whilst the background, including the extras were blurred. In this picture below, I was bubbling the tripod and fitting the camera onto the tripod, before i then positioned it in the right position for the first shot.

As a group we decided to choose this setting as it is presented like the outside of a coffee shop. Luca and Tom both had coffee cups with them to add to the setting. For Luca' shots we had to position him differently as when we did the first take, the background didn't fit in with the setting.

Wednesday 24 January 2018


During the process of filming and editing, Luca and I edited some of the scenes together. Myself and Luca were both editing the cafe shoot. We knew that this scene was going to be hard as we were shooting a shot-reverse-shot, which means we had to cut the audio and clips in the right place so that the shots linked together. We also wanted to overlap audio with an image so for example we could hear Luca speaking but we were shown the image of Tom. We believed that this was good as it could be seen as a reaction shot for what Luca was saying.

As well as this scene, myself and Luca also edited our production ident. For this we edited this on IMovie again. For this we got a green screen image of a shark and a green screen image of waves crashing together. we took out the green screen and placed the moving image of the shark and water on a plain white background, with adding a cool glitch effect to engage the audience. We then included our production company name Teethmark Productions. 

Relating to this piece of editing, we also did another piece which was the editing for the green screen scene. This included myself answering an interview and Charlie (an extra) doing a news report. To do this we took out the green screen and added the audio that was recorded on our phones to make it more clear. Both scenes came out well and our good introductions to our film opening.

Saturday 20 January 2018


On the 15th of January we filmed the altering Rick scene which is about the 2 Robotica workers Luke and Toni (Luca and Tom) who are in the process of enhancing Rick' technology, going against the CEO Martin' (Me) advice. 

We split the entire scene into three separate parts. The first part is where the two workers reveal Rick through a plastic bag, on this bag there is a certificate of identification, that I made as i believe that it added a sense of realism to the scene as it looks like Rick has come straight out of the lab where they have been working on him.

 The scene then cuts to show Toni working on Rick' technology on the computer which is connected to Rick. We then put an edit on the screen which shows an access granted  sign, showing to the audience that Toni and Luke have accessed Rick' programme.