Wednesday 27 September 2017



As a group we had to create a opening where 3 characters were involved.One delivering a pizza, and two people receiving the pizza. As a group we decided to put a spin on this and turn it into more of an action opening involving guns with a cliffhanger at the end.

For our group i did the camerawork meaning i panned the camera on the tripod when doing to the arch pan/ 180 degree shot and the tracking shot. I also had to set up the tripod and camera for the shot reverse shot and the over the shoulder shot whilst making sure that the subject of the shot was in focus. During the process i learnt how to use the 'Manfrotto' tripod and canon 650D camera.

During the process of doing the camera work i came across some difficulties which i had to adapt to and overcome. For example our chosen location of filming was quite compact and tight so i had to adjust the height of the tripod to the certain position for example the arch pan and then the shoulder shot as i was crouched down in the corner. After each shot i made at least one other person check that they were happy with the shot and i myself checked after every shot that everything we needed was in focus.

As a group i think that next time we could improve on our practical work by establishing our story line properly before shooting anything as i think that we kept changing are location and story line at the start whilst shooting which was a pain as we had to then delete the clips and cut bits out whilst editing as well as actually editing our main shots. 

Overall, as a group we worked well and ended up with a finished opening which we were all proud of. Personally, I was happy with my camera work and achieved all the shots which we were supposed to


A pizza delivery takes place. Person A delivers the pizza to person B.
Shot types and camera movements I included:
  • tracking shot of person A on the way.
  • pan as person A enters room.
  • Over the shoulder shot to show person B greeting / talking
  • over the shoulder shot to show person A's response
  • shot reverse shot to show person B
In this i have shown that i can:
  • Use a tripod to keep the shots steady (Bubbled the tripod)
  • Focus the camera
  • take care of the camera and tripod 
  • observe the arch pan or 180 degree rule
  • Edit the sequence to make the meaning clear

Thursday 21 September 2017


The film 'Delicatessen' is displayed as a horror film. We can tell that it is that genre from the opening title scene where there is a scary looking man holding a knife whilst there is another man trapped in a bin. The music in the opening also creates a horror and tense feel to it a it is quite separated. The editing and camera work in Delicatessen is very clever as for every credit the camera slides to the next scene which intriguing to watch as the viewer. Also, every so often the camera will start far out and zoom in close to the credits which is also very interesting to the viewer. the objects the the credits are written on are very rustic and some are very old, this visual effect really hooks and attracts the viewer 


  The film 'Le Bleus De Ramville' is displayed from the opening as an action packed sports film based on ice hockey. The producers and director was very clever as they linked everything in the credits with ice hockey. For example one of the names on the credits was on a team sheet, so the camera then panned down the team sheet and zoomed into that persons name. They edited it well so that they blurred all the other names on the team sheet when they zoomed in which is good as it really draws the viewer into that one name. The music is also very clever as in the beat there is the sound of an ice hockey puck being hit which reinforces to the viewer that the film is based around ice hockey. As we go through the opening scene the music is at the same pace throughout which is a quite a fast pace indicating that the film is quite action packed and a little bit tense.


Sunday 17 September 2017

'Star wars.Rogue one' Marketing Techniques

The first of many marketing techniques involved in 'Rogue one' is when they released it. Disney released it only one year after the previous film- 'force awakens'. This was a good technique to use as it keeps the viewers interested and excited after the release of the first one for the second one. however the key thing that Star wars marketing directors wanted to do was make sure that star wars wasn't talked about 365 days in that year, this being because if it was then the hype and excitement wouldn't be as big. So they only started major marketing activity eight weeks before it was the fans could 'spread the word'. It definitely worked as #starwars was the number one movie hashtag of 2016 thanks to the late December release of 'force awakens' in 2015 which built up excitement for 'rogue one'

Twitter also played its part in the marketing of the film 'rogue one' through the partnership that they had with Disney and people magazine. They held a livestrream of the star wars event which included unseen footage. Following this on the same livestream they then held a QandA with the Director and cast of the movie. Other parts of social media also helped as they had all hashtags connected with the movie shown on billboards.

Uber also helped as when you travelled with Uber you were able to unlock special 'rogue one' features which included accsess to exclusive video footage of behind the scenes and instead of the Uber appearing as a car it appeared as an iconic star wars vehicles such as a rebel X-wing starfighter.

Nissan helped marketing for 'rogue one' as they set up a a special edition TV campaign based on 'stars wars. Rogue one' this not only increased the hype of the new film but also increased the sales of Nissan cars because of how big star wars is. Nissan also set up a special VR experience in many Nissan car dealerships on December 17 and 18 which is good as it is around the Christmas holidays so many people could attend and try it out

Gillette featured a star wars themed commercial during their 'Every story has a face' campaign.

Verizon put up their very own 'Rogue one 360 experience' on its facebook page that placed people in the cockpit of a rebel fighter. The branded adventure has been viewed over 3 million times

Disney made extra effort and made it important to include women in its marketing. Target's 'there's a rebel in all of us' ad features three females and one man which relates to how star wars makes them feel like they can accomplish anything and you’ll notice a lot of female figures in Star Wars campaigns this year, including this heart-warming ad by Globe that promotes donations to the Phillippine General Hospital Medical Foundation. They said they wanted to continue building a female and family audience and if they can get more families watching then it is great.

After measuring digital content across 600,00 digital outlets they found that LEGO was the brand most associated with 'Rogue one'