Thursday 21 September 2017


The film 'Delicatessen' is displayed as a horror film. We can tell that it is that genre from the opening title scene where there is a scary looking man holding a knife whilst there is another man trapped in a bin. The music in the opening also creates a horror and tense feel to it a it is quite separated. The editing and camera work in Delicatessen is very clever as for every credit the camera slides to the next scene which intriguing to watch as the viewer. Also, every so often the camera will start far out and zoom in close to the credits which is also very interesting to the viewer. the objects the the credits are written on are very rustic and some are very old, this visual effect really hooks and attracts the viewer 


  The film 'Le Bleus De Ramville' is displayed from the opening as an action packed sports film based on ice hockey. The producers and director was very clever as they linked everything in the credits with ice hockey. For example one of the names on the credits was on a team sheet, so the camera then panned down the team sheet and zoomed into that persons name. They edited it well so that they blurred all the other names on the team sheet when they zoomed in which is good as it really draws the viewer into that one name. The music is also very clever as in the beat there is the sound of an ice hockey puck being hit which reinforces to the viewer that the film is based around ice hockey. As we go through the opening scene the music is at the same pace throughout which is a quite a fast pace indicating that the film is quite action packed and a little bit tense.


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