Tuesday 5 December 2017


When making our film, we needed to plan how to reach our target audience. Firstly we needed to know who they are and the factors that determined this such as age, gender, ethnicity, social groups. We also needed to find what their media needs are so that we could produce something which they all wanted and also how to reach them (to market  my film).

We started researching into how brands define audiences in preparation for creating my own audience profile for my AS Foundation production. For example, I saw how Bauer Media, NME and Sky defined audiences; for example, 'millenniums' was a target audience that Sky defined.

 As part of distributing our film, we devised marketing strategies, for example a Facebook page, Twitter page, Instagram and different fake newspaper articles.

Who is my target audience: Action Steps

1. Who is my primary target audience?
For us, our target audience is male and female aged from 15-35.

2. What kind of films and Television are they likely to watch?
One of the films that our audience is likely to watch is a film called Morgan (Luke Scott 2016) which is about a bio-generated girl who began walking and talking after one month of existence, exceeding the wildest expectations of her creators. This girl later turns out to become rogue at some stages, which follows the same plot that we are trying aiming to achieve in our film.
Image result for morgan film

3.What platforms do they choose to watch films and where are they likely to see information about this?
They are likely to watch the films on the big screens in cinemas, such as the IMAX. This would give them a bigger picture with surround sound so they get the 'compltete' experience. 
4. What brands do they prefer? (food, clothing, media)
5. What makes my film stand out from the competition? 
For us i think that our film stands out from the competition because of how we're using technology that is being researched at the moment and technology that has been known about before. The fact that we have researched into detail and have a clear focus on AI makes us different to other competitors. 
6. Why should my audience watch my film?
Our film should be watched by our audience as we are addressing a problem that could probably arise in the future and we're educating as well as entertaining. Our film is showing the risks behind AI and how trying to enhance its technology could end up with the robot becoming rogue and out of control.

1 comment:

  1. Very good work here, Max. Fully illustrated, reflective of your thought processes, clear and neat.
