Tuesday 5 December 2017


Pinterest- Collage on understanding some context of our film opening

Social Groups

This is a Pinterest collage that I created to put forward the different social groups that we have been looking at for our film Robotica, at the bottom of each image in the comments section i have creatively reflected on each image to give a bit of information to the viewer of the Pinterest. Max Tegmark and Elon Musk are two people that I have included in the social group as they are key role models in the world of Artificial Intelligence for example, Max Tegmark has written a book as shown in the Pinterest titled Life 3.0 which is about AI.


This next Pinterest collage that I have created is focusing on the issues about AI that we are focusing on in our film opening.

Two of these pictures focus on Artificial Intelligence and the rise of it. These displaying that if Artificial Intelligence keeps growing at the rate it is, it could get to a dangerous stage, which is what we will be exploiting in our film. The other pictures are about AI at this moment but showing the picture that if you try and enhance or change technology or even if we develop it further then AI could get out of hand

We also looked at the different problems/ issues that are occuring with Alexa (as shown in the image below). Alexa is Amazon's technology home system where you can programme it to play music, set and alarm and many more things.